Have you ever imagined a world without “The Auto”. It’s really nightmare to drive in the roads of India, that too if you have driving experience in abroad places. The auto plays a very important role in more than several cases of accidents in India.Licences for the auto drivers have already been straitened by the government norms. But the use of the vehicle by the fellow Indian who will not even be aged 20 (mostly school drop outs) with more than the required adrenalin to drive a elephant and in several cases drugged with cheap arrack makes vehicles that runs parallel ,perpendicular or in any degree to the AUTO incidentally in to accident.
Not from my experience, but the main disadvantage of the running (read flying, ridiculously like a drunk HANCOCK) of the 3 wheeled auto is not limited to accidents. Auto’s has only one wheel in the front and two more in the rear ,the case is that the drivers only concentrate on the front wheel and forget the rear wheels ,which causes them to enter into a tunnel that won’t really accept a auto sized body inside it. On the other hand navigation of the auto is damn easy which causes more trouble as they enter in to traffic jam and make it a dead lock. These are just when you are outside the AUTO. What will happen when you are a passenger in it? I will write it in my future post.
Any way for a auto-Phophic person like me ,who once was scared to come to Chennai central from my once residence Kolkata all because of the way every auto driver dealt with the passenger and charged them, going behind THE AUTO is going to h----.
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