Bangalore Geek Night with Chad Fowler Start: 24 March, 2010 - 06:30 pm Timezone: IST

Topic : "The Big Rewrite"

Topic : "The Big Rewrite"

We at ThoughtWorks are delighted to invite you to our latest GeekNight. An exciting talk about cutting edge technology and tons of learnings await you! You also get to meet like minded geeks in a space that encourages open discussions and interact withfellow technologists.

You have got an existing, successful software product and hit the ceiling on extensibility and maintainability. Your project platform is inflexible, and your application is a software house of cards that can not support another new feature. You have seen the videos, the weblog posts and the hype, and you have decided you are going to reimplement your product in Rails (or Java, or .NET, or Erlang, etc.). Beware! This is a longer, harder, more failure-prone path than you expect.

Chad Fowler has been involved in Big Rewrite after Big Rewrite, since he has an interest in learning eclectic computer languages, operating systems, and development environments. Not being just-a-Java-guy or just-a-Windows-guy has led to Chad becoming aserial rewriter. Chad has been on projects to replace C, COBOL, PHP, Visual Basic, Perl, PLSQL, VBX and all manner ofarchitectural atrocities with the latest technology.

Many big Rewrite projects have resulted in unhappy customers, political battles, missed deadlines, and sometimes complete failure to deliver. In all cases, the projects were considerably harder than the project initiators ever thought they would be. It is possible to do The Big Rewrite well and it is possible to fail miserably. This talk will outline some of the problems that teams encounter during rewrite projects as well as some strategies to make them go smoothly.

About The Speaker: Chad Fowler is an internationally known software developer, trainer, manager, speaker, and musician. He has worked with some of the world's largest companies and most admired software developers. As CTO of InfoEther, he spends much of his time solving hard problems for customers. He is co-organizer of RubyConf, RailsConf, and RailsConf Europe and author of a number of popular software books, including the recently releasedThe Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development.

Who Should Attend
Geeks, programmers and technologists. Developers who would like to get hands-on experience on how to rewrite an entire application. Project Managers and IT managers who want to do the Big Rewrite.

ThoughtWorks Technologies
4th Floor,Tower C,
Diamond District,
Airport Road,
Bangalore - 560 008,
tel: +91 80 4064 9570

About GeekNights
Informal meetings for tech people to exchange ideas, code and learnings. Held periodically at ThoughtWorks offices in Bangalore, Pune and Chennai.

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