
Abundant web resources make our search for precise Information and News wild .At times we start to surf for a course and at the end go missing over the mesh and end up elsewhere away from goal. A one Stop solution is in need intended for this type of problem.

OneSpot Is a web service, made keeping the mentioned problem in mind. OneSpot gets the best content from a multitude of sources (tracked from 400k+ feeds).It could come from anywhere. OneSpot helps netizens to find the good stuff from all the good feeds. OneSpot Aggregates, filters, and prioritizes the best content, curated by the logged in member to their web page. OneSpot has a better way to find the best content on the Web... and a better way to leverage it for our site. We can reveal mass amounts of good stories in minutes a day without losing editorial control.

It’s a easy way to have super matter to your blogs and web page without much difficulty and also with authentication.

Articles are displayed with the headline, a short excerpt, and a link out to the original story, giving full credit and a link to the original author and source. In the Editor Dashboard, you can tailor the title and add your own commentary to blend in with your site and spark discussion.

Every published story gets its own discussion page, a permalink dense with appropriate keywords and phrases ideal for optimizing search engine results.

Discussion pages give more contexts for a story, offer related stories, and give your readers the opportunity to vote or comment on a story.

Enjoy surfing without much mouse movement! @OneSpot.

Try your trial service.


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