How To Connect Dual/triple Monitor + Advantages - Guide on how to install mult. monitors

its fact that 95 % of you are running your system with one monitor. Primarily because that is the default for any computer. What if i told you that running your system with dual monitors or even triple monitors will increase your user performance extensively?

Ways it helps:
- can play some games while instant messaging, writing emails, watching movie on other screen, looking up something online, etc...
- Helps with working on websites
or other programming, because code can be on one side, while the preview image is on the other monitor.
- Spreads the space out so you have more table top room, which allows you to use it more efficiently.
- Working on essays: you can have your word processor on one side and your source on the other monitor.

their are an exponential amount of pro's to having dual/trip monitors.

this is how to get it working:

in order for all of this to work, you obviously need another monitor or a tv next to your computer.

Step 1:
- check your computer hardware guide to see what kind of graphic card your computer supports (AGP, or PCI).
- after checking which kind of port your computer offers buy a video card, a good place to do research for one is and an excelent place to buy is
- Nvidia is better w/ dual monitors than Radeon are more effective w/ games.

Step 2:
- now that you have your video card, it's time to install it.
- Make sure your computer is turned off for this next step.
- take the case off of your computer and your motherboard manual should show you where the video card port is.
- it should click right in.
- after the hardware is installed into your computer, you now must instal the software required to run it.

- plug the primary monitor into the video card monitor port, and plug the secondary monitor into the default computer monitor port.

- if you don't have an svideo chord that can reach from your tv to your computer then buy one or move your tv closer.
- plug the chord into the svideo input in the video card, then plug the other end into the tv svideo input.

- buy an Svideo --> RCA male/IN adapter, at radioshack and best buy they are about 20 dollars, but i bought one on ebay fro 99 cents w/out shipping.
- then plug the svideo chord to the svideo option in the video card panel, then plug the other end to the adapter, then the adapter to one of your rca inputs.

Step 4:
- turn on your computer, a prompt should come up saying your computer has revieled new hardware. put in the software installation cd, which should be included, if not go to the website of your video card manufacturer and download the driver for the specified video card.
- after the driver/software is installed install any extra required programs, i.e. upgraded directX version... restart your computer.

Step 5:
- both monitors should be working when the computer is rebooted. If not then right click on the desktop--> properties --> settings --> click on the video card monitor should be a little box w/ monitors, activate the check box that say "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor." if already activated, go to the other monitor.
- if there is only one monitor click "advanced" --> click the tab of the video card --> dual displays or display settings.

any questions just ping me or email me

PUMA Pit Crew Uses Clothes to Build Life-Sized Ferrari F1 Car

Most Realistic CG Image Ever

Yes, that is actually a 3D-rendered image and not a real person. It was created using 3DS Max and ZBrush(not by Brahma,according to hindu mythology)

Honda U3-X Personal Mobility Device

Honda's new "personal mobility" device looks like a unicycle, but all you need to do to zip around on it - sideways as well as forward and back - is lean your weight into the direction you want to go.

The U3-X - available for a test-run for reporters in Tokyo today - was designed to be small, safe and unobtrusive enough to mingle with pedestrians, according to Honda Motor Co.

The single wheel on the U3-X - U stands for "unicycle" and "universal" - is made up of many tiny motor-controlled wheels, packed inside the bigger wheel, allowing the device to swerve in any direction.

It stands upright on its own. Sit on it as though it's a stool, and shift your weight to drive. The thing maintains its own balance as it scoots along at a speed of up to 3.7 miles per hour.

Honda declined to give details of the U3-X's technology, but said it weighs less than 10 kilograms, runs on a full charge for an hour, and has a lithium-ion battery.

Japan is one of the most rapidly ageing societies in the world, and concerns are growing about helping the elderly get around.

"Honda engineers are always thinking about people's dreams and wishes about mobility. We will continue to work hard to be a leader in that area," Mr Ito said.

waiting to see it in Indian road(make it feasible for bumps and humps!!)

Microsoft's Pink Phones Revealed

's Project Pink phones doesn't include a Zune-branded model, but they will however, be manufactured by Sharp -- maker of the Sidekick. The line will reportedly be "aimed at the same market as the Sidekick, and the branding and identity for it is highly developed, pointing toward a later stage in the development cycle."

$3499 Batman The Dark Knight Suit

At $3499 on eBay, this Dark Knight suit is a stunning replica and "cast in high quality urethane; the chest, arms, shoulders, back, and spine pieces are all adjustable and attach together via industrial strength velcro and elastic bands.

Brabus Mercedes-Benz Viano Lounge

Aside from its 426hp 6.1L V8 engine, the 2010 Brabus Mercedes-Benz Viano Lounge features a 32-inch LCD, two Sony VAIO laptops, a PlayStation 3, Nespresso machine, and even a Vertu Constellation phone.

Two power comfort seats provide maximum comfort for both rear passengers. Similar to long-distance flights in business class both seats can be reclined to full sleeping position at the push of a button.

Making of a good teacher via The Hindu

Teaching needs three qualities. Knowledge is the first. The ability to pass it on to others, what we usually call communication skill, is the next. Aptitude is the third. Which quality of a teacher is tested in the so-called eligibility tests?

TEACHERS ARE born and not made. A teacher is a social entity. A poor teacher tells. A good teacher teaches. An excellent teacher demonstrates. An outstanding teacher motivates. Time and again we hear these proverbial sayings from various sources at different occasions, especially as we near a teacher's day. If any of the above is correct, how can one find a teacher through a test, whether it is conducted by the UGC (National eligibility test) or by the States ( state eligibility test)?

In a democratic country like India, any one with a medical degree from a recognised institution and medical council's registration can practise as a doctor. One can practise as a lawyer, if he has degree in law and completes the formalities of bar council. Engineers can get a job right away from the college campus through campus placement cells. But to become a teacher a person has to write a minimum of three examinations. A post-graduate degree examination followed by one for a degree in teaching and then the so-called eligibility tests. Even this does not get one a job, but only qualifies one for it!

Teaching needs three qualities. Knowledge is the first. The ability to pass it on to others, what we usually call communication skill, is the next. Aptitude is the third. Which quality of a teacher is tested in the so-called eligibility tests? Is it the first one? That is unbelievable. Any recognized educational institution in India offers a post-graduate degree after completion of a minimum of semester course. The incumbent is then examined at the end of each semester by a qualified and experienced faculty appointed directly by the supreme body of the university called the syndicate. One has to prove the ability before these examiners. A post-graduate paper is valued independently by two experts. If necessary, there will be a third evaluation as well. In science subjects, the performance in the practical examinations has to be satisfactory. There will be a project evaluation. And then, there is the viva-voce test. One has to go through all these complex and difficult manoeuvres before getting the degree. Then, which knowledge not proved in the above is tested in the eligibility test in just around three hours, even if it is a UGC standard test or eligibility tests run by the states?

We must also recall that these tests, in at least some states, are reduced to the level of an ordinary entrance examination for engineering and medicine. There is a group of expert educationalists who believe that an objective model entrance test is inadequate even for engineering and medicine. They recommend IIT model entrance tests. Then, how can we justify the objective model teacher eligibility tests now in force in some states?

The second quality, that is, communication skill, cannot be found through a test either. It would be like studying acting through post. Either you have it or you do not. It is as simple as that. One can never create this. You can only discover whether you have it or not. But if it is within you, it grows with experience. So to have this you have to become a teacher. But to become a teacher you need this. Looks like a vicious circle, isn't it?

Which component of the teaching is more important? Is it the knowledge or the ability to pass it on? Well, it very much depends on the class one is teaching. If you are in a post-graduate class, knowledge is more important than presentation. The students of the class are filtered stuff. They expect information from the teacher. Half the knowledge is where to find it. If this it true, they need only know where to find things much more than the thing itself. But if one is teaching in a school or plus two class, the ability to communicate is more important than the knowledge itself. Here `teaching is innovation' become true.

We have to find independent, natural and new methods for presentation of the subject and the topics. The emphasis has to be more on how to tell than what to tell. The classes have to be interactive. Teaching has to be a dialogue and not a monologue. This would mean we should have patience towards questions, no matter how silly they are. Those who are successful in these respects alone can become good teachers at this stage. Even with a limited knowledge a person can become a good teacher, if he/she has these abilities. Here you study to teach and then teach to study more.

The aptitude for teaching too cannot be found through a test. It can be decided only by the persons themselves. Here again, it comes to your mind that you want to become a teacher, or you would never. Only those motivated to this profession opt for it. Others withdraw from the race. The motivation sets in early. Sitting in a good teacher's class, those with aptitude always probe whether they can teach like this and then believe they can. Similarly, sitting in a poor teacher's class, the experience might dissuade even those with possible aptitude to opt out of the profession. Thus our aptitude is well influenced by the classes we sit in and the teachers who teach us in our student days from primary school to college.

So these tests cannot really test knowledge. They cannot test communication skills or aptitude either. The tests are reduced to the level of a mere common test for various people who come from different streams and who have obtained degrees from different institutions. But if we have a method to measure marks obtained from different recognised institutions by the same yardstick, these tests become superfluous.

The Birla Institute of Technology, commonly known as BITS Pilani, is one of the country's leading educational institutions. There is no entrance test for admission to courses here. They have got a method to standardise marks from different institutions. We should adopt something like this to dispense with eligibility tests. These tests never determine any eligibility. If ever they do test anything, it is only the luck and time of the person.

Didn't we have famous devoted teachers before entrance and eligibility tests were even thought of? They live in our minds for ever. What eligibility test did they write? This leads us to a simple straightforward truth.

No matter who conducts the tests be it the state or the UGC and no matter how transparent and credible it is, the ability of a teacher is decided in class rooms and that too by students and not by entrance and eligibility tests.

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David Kolb's Model

The David Kolb styles model is based on the Experiential Learning Theory, as explained in David A. Kolb's book Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development (1984). The ELT model outlines two related approaches toward grasping experience: Concrete Experience and Abstract Conceptualization, as well as two related approaches toward transforming experience: Reflective Observation and Active Experimentation. According to Kolb’s model, the ideal learning process engages all four of these modes in response to situational demands. In order for learning to be effective, all four of these approaches must be incorporated. As individuals attempt to use all four approaches, however, they tend to develop strengths in one experience-grasping approach and one experience-transforming approach. The resulting learning styles are combinations of the individual’s preferred approaches. These learning styles are as follows:

1. Converger;
2. Diverger;
3. Assimilator;
4. Accommodator;

Convergers are characterized by abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. They are good at making practical applications of ideas and using deductive reasoning to solve problems.

Divergers tend toward concrete experience and reflective observation. They are imaginative and are good at coming up with ideas and seeing things from different perspectives.

Assimilators are characterized by abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. They are capable of creating theoretical models by means of inductive reasoning.

Accommodators use concrete experience and active experimentation. They are good at actively engaging with the world and actually doing things instead of merely reading about and studying them.

Kolb’s model gave rise to the Learning Style Inventory, an assessment method used to determine an individual's learning style. An individual may exhibit a preference for one of the four styles – Accommodating, Converging, Diverging and Assimilating – depending on his approach to learning via the experiential learning theory model.
Honey and Mumford’s Model

In the mid 1970’s Peter Honey and Alan Mumford adapted David Kolb’s model for use with a population of middle/senior managers in business. They published their version of the model in The Manual of Learning Styles (1982) and Using Your Learning Styles (1983).

Two adaptations were made to Kolb’s experiential model. Firstly, the stages in the cycle were renamed to accord with managerial experiences of decision making/problem solving. The Honey & Mumford stages are:

1. Having an experience
2. Reviewing the experience
3. Concluding from the experience
4. Planning the next steps.

Secondly, the styles were directly aligned to the stages in the cycle and named Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist. These are assumed to be acquired preferences that are adaptable, either at will or through changed circumstances, rather than being fixed personality characteristics. The Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire is a self-development tool and differs from Kolb’s Learning Style inventory by inviting managers to complete a checklist of work-related behaviours without directly asking managers how they learn. Having completed the self-assessment, managers are encouraged to focus on strengthening underutilised styles in order to become better equipped to learn from a wide range of everyday experiences.

A MORI survey commissioned by [The Campaign for Learning in 1999 found the Honey & Mumford LSQ to be the most widely used system for assessing preferred learning styles in the local government sector in the UK.


Preparing for A Promotion?

Here are some tips on how to ‘Prepare for a Promotion’ provided here some steps you can follow to encourage a successful outcome in your quest to move up the corporate ladder.

We all know that when a firm has an open or newly created position, they will look from within their organization first before advertising, or seeking out the services of a professional placement agency for assistance.

In order for you to prepare yourself effectively for a challenging new role, you must first be ready from a psychological standpoint, as this is a crucial stepping-stone in your career advancement. You do not want to be coming from an ‘emotional’ state of mind when contemplating this move. To avoid any misgivings, or feelings of insecurity and uncertainty, it is important you ‘research the role’ you are interested in, whether within your firm, or making a fresh start elsewhere. For the purposes of this post, we will assume that you are going to embark on this new role from within your firm.

The first and most important task you can begin with is establishing clarity by sitting down in a quiet area with pen and paper and analyzing what you think you want, what your expectations are, and how ‘prepared’ you truly feel about this move. Do you really have what it takes on the ‘skills’ side, what about your ‘communications’ style and personality profile’ – list all of the ‘pros and cons’, as well as any and all thoughts that come into your mind.

It is important to take as much time as you need to work through this process of ‘self-analysis’, be gentle with yourself, and very honest and ‘realistic’ about what you can bring to the new role. The good news in this scenario is that you are in control of the time-line, so there is no rush or pressure to make your decision. When you feel convinced that you are ready to move forward, you may want to consider the following steps:

* Make sure you keep up-to-date on company activities that include potential mergers and acquisitions, and research accordingly;
* If you are ‘replacing’ someone in another division, OR, ‘joining’ a new division, be sure to seek out as much information on the division as possible – once again the company portal should assist you with this;
* In the case of replacing an employee, ask the departing party out for lunch or at least a coffee or two, and ask direct questions relating to the job requirements, staff, expectations, etc.;
* If you are ‘joining’ a new division, ask one of the staff members out for lunch to talk about their role in the division – you can learn a lot from this meeting;
* Research this new role by job title on the Internet and learn the functions of this role in other companies;
* To make this process even more interesting, you could conduct ‘informational interviews’ with individuals in the position you are striving for;
* If you learn the new division uses applications that you are not familiar with, find free training courses to take at home, or if not possible, use a few of your lunch hours to work on them, or perhaps stay behind after work hours;
* Do NOT discuss you plans with anyone – not even a ‘buddy’, inside or outside of the office;
* Keep your own information on the company portal up-to-date, adding new projects you have completed, new programs learned, new corporate memberships, volunteer work, etc.;
* Attend as many meetings and join Committees hosted by the new group as time permits;
* Remember to take full advantage of your company portal, and look up staff Resumes on your target group; this will give you an edge, as you will know individual career and educational backgrounds. The document database holds proposals and other documents the division in question have submitted, along with client lists, etc. Review as much material on your own as possible – this is ‘your due diligence’. Assuming all goes well, your efforts will be applauded in the not too distant future.
Via Corporate Secrets .

8 Ways Doing Less Can Transform Your Work & Life

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupe

Most productivity blogs and books will teach you how to do more, to get more done, to be more productive.

I want to teach you to do less, to get less done, to be less productive.

And while I’ve written about it before, I think it’s time we take a look at how this can really change your work life, and your life as a whole.

Doing less is not about being lazy (though being lazy is a good start) — it’s about focusing on quality rather than quantity. It’s about getting off the hamster wheel of productivity, so that you can create something great rather than just being busy.

Let’s take a few examples:

* A furniture maker can mass-produce a ton of cheap furniture that will fall apart within a year. Another craftsman might produce way fewer pieces of furniture, but make them beautifully and solidly, so that they’ll last for generations. If he makes them well enough, they might even be sought out and remembered for their great design.
* A programmer can write tens of thousands of lines of code, and produce a lot of software that works. A less productive coder can write a tenth of the lines, perhaps even editing down what she writes so that there’s less code, but they’re better written. This small program might be the most useful thing on many people’s computers, flawless code that just works.
* A writer can churn out lots of words (hundreds of thousands, if not millions), but have his work read by relatively few. Another writer can write a small but powerful blog post or ebook, and have the post be spread by thousands of people.

In each case, the person produced less, but focused on quality. The impact of the smaller work was higher, and thus the time worked was better spent.

I’d argue that by focusing on quality, you could work less and still have a higher impact. I’ve done this in my life — by cutting back on my work hours, I actually get less done but have a higher impact.

I should note: this takes courage, to do less. You have to shed all the old ideas of working harder and working more and being more productive. You have to forget about what others thing about your work habits, and instead think about the impact the work has on the world and your life. You have to change the way you do things, and that’s never easy.

But it’s worth the effort.

Here are some ways this philosophy can change your life and work:

1. Less hectic, busy schedule, less stress, more peace. Doing less leaves free to schedule less, leave more space in your schedule, work at a more human pace.
2. More ability to focus, to find Flow, to work in the moment. When you are doing too much, you are constantly switching from one task to another, constantly interrupted, constantly distracted. Do less, clear away distractions, single-task.
3. Work has more impact and spreads further and wider. When you do too much, your work is spread thinner, you have lower quality, and people won’t spread your work or give you awards for low-quality work.
4. More pride in your work, which feels good. Feels awesome, actually, to create something worth putting your name on.
5. People appreciate higher quality. Customers rave. Readers enthuse. Reviewers glow. Bosses promote.
6. More time for family and loved ones. Not a small benefit. Be sure that if you do less, you use the saved time for something important. Like quiet time for the ones you love.
7. More time for other things you enjoy. I use my time for exercise, or reading, and of course my family.
8. Free yourself up to create amazing things. Creating is hard to do when you’re busy and distracted. By doing less, you can create something great.

How to Do Less

I almost didn’t include this section, as to me it seems obvious: you just … do less. But I realize it’s not obvious to everyone, so I’ll share a few tips (many are familiar to long-time readers):

* Slowly cut back on non-essential commitments.
* Have fewer meetings.
* Say no to requests, as much as possible, so you can focus on doing something great.
* Cut out distractions, especially the Internet.
* Single-task and focus.
* Churn out a shitty first draft, then edit.
* Edit some more. Make it beautiful and minimal.
* Make it something you will be proud to claim credit for.
* When you find yourself doing busy-work, stop, put it off, find ways to cut that out of your life.
* Whatever blocks you from doing your great work, kill it.
* Set limits on how many things you do each day.
* Focus on the most important tasks first, before you get distracted.
* Set limits on your work hours.

It won’t happen overnight. Change gradually, but surely.

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction.” - E.F. Schumacker

Via Leo Babauta.

One day workshop on EMERGING TRENDS IN ERP

Microsoft HealthVault

Take charge of your family’s health and make more informed health decisions for yourself and your loved ones. Learn more
HealthVault lets you …

* Organize your health information, with everything in one place
* Simplify your life: enter health info once, use it in many ways
* Gain insight with data that helps you make informed decisions

sign in

what they say?
Smart health solutions
We looked into the most common health concerns, then pulled together web applications and health devices focused on helping you meet your goals and take charge of your health.
What do you want to do?
* Lose or maintain weight
* Get fit, stay fit
* Manage high blood pressure
* Organize family health info
* Prepare for emergency

Privacy Principles

  • You can control the Microsoft HealthVault record you create.
  • You can decide what goes into your HealthVault record.
  • You can decide who can see, use and share your information.
  • Microsoft won’t use your information in HealthVault to personalize ads or services without explicit permission.
  • ya its good!

Healthy Eating

Choosing to eat healthy, workout, and live an active lifestyle is not always an easy decision. Although ideally we would all love to be in great shape, and eat nothing but health food all the time, realistically our busy lifestyles take over, and don’t always allow for that choice. Here are a few helpful tips & tricks to eating healthy, even when we are on the go!

Eating-Out Guide & Guidelines

* Request all sauces & dressings on the side, and then use them sparingly.
* Avoid added fat! Avoid fried foods. Choose steamed, baked, broiled, boiled, poached or grilled instead.
* Avoid restaurants that are “all you can eat” or pride themselves on large portions.
* When ordering a salad, don’t be afraid of being picky; ask for extra vegetables, no croutons and dressing on the side.
* If it is OK with the rest of your party- ask the server not to bring bread (you will save 200 calories or more)
* Plan ahead, pick out what you want to eat before arriving to the restaurant and stay focused. Don’t let other people in your party affect your food choices.
* Have a low fat, high fiber snack (fruit, raw vegetables, or yogurt) before you go out to eat so that you avoid feeling too hungry, and prevent the temptation to over eat.
* Ask for the waiter/waitress to pack ½ of your meal in a to-go box before bringing it to the table. (will save you ½ the calories & will provide you with lunch for the next day)
* Eat your calories, don’t drink them! Order water or non-sweetened iced tea instead of soda or juice.
* When ordering soup, choose broth-based and vegetable soups like minestrone over creamy soups like clam chowder. You will save yourself hundreds of calories, and be careful of sodium.

via cumulusmedical

Come TO VIT University,vellore ,India on 11 sep 2009

If you are nearby Vellore or far off, do not hesitate ,come to VIT University ,vellore,India.Technocrats ,professionals and students come ,its happening. More networking, more knowledge, more leads…


When you are coming from Chennai

  • Check 1. After you reach the place Vallalar (Approximately 120km from Chennai in the NH 6), you have the first over bridge. Immediately after the over bridge in the left hand side you can see the board Sathuvacharry.
  • Check 2. Within a few metres in the Highway you can see the Over bridge 2.
  • Check 3. Now you can see the District Administrative Office building (named as Chitrarasu Maligai in Tamil) in your right hand side of the bridge (down)
  • Check 4. In the end of the Over bridge 2 left hand sides you can see the Hyundai Show room.
  • Check 5. Within few metres after the Over bridge 2 you can see a blinking signal and a mile stone stating Vellore 0km. Here you have to get down and take the approach road along the highway bridge.
  • Check 6. The approach road takes you to a four way junction. There you can see sign board showing arrow mark to Katpadi.
  • Check 7. In the left hand side the Hotel Durga Bhavan and a Marriage Hall named " Ethiraja muthaliar Kalyana Mandapam" is the land mark.
  • Check 8. This road leads you to the River view Circle. Here you have to take diversion in the right side.
  • Check 9. After diversion in your left side Vellore New bus stand is the prominent Land mark
  • Check 10. Next to the bus stand the Chelliammman temple is the another prominent Land mark
After the temple you will cross the Palar River Bridge and travel about 8 km in the same direction, you will reach the Katpadi - Chitoor Bus Stand Circle (Perrarignar Annadurai statue is the land mark). Now you can take diversion to right about 2 km you will reach VIT University.

When you are coming from Bengaluru
  • Check 1. After you reach the place Konavattam (village from Bengaluru 148 km in the NH 46), you have the first over bridge.
  • Check 2. Within a few metres in the Highway you can see the Over bridge 2.
  • Check 3. Now you can see the Government Bus Depot in the right hand side of your Highway bridge
  • Check 4. Within few metres you will reach the Over bridge 2 and from the over bridge in you left hand side you may see the Board Oasis Swimming Pool.
  • Check 5. After few metres in the same direction a green coloured mosque will be seen.
  • Check 6. Now you will reach the Over bridge 3 and notice the railway track (Bangalore - Chennai) across the bridge.
  • Check 7. In the right hand side you can see the Bharat Petroleum bunk.
  • Check 8. In the end of the Over bridge 3 you can see a blinking signal and a sign board. Here you have to get down and take the approach road along the highway bridge.
  • Check 9. This road leads you to the River view Circle. Here you have to take diversion in the left side and notice the land marks Mega Mart and hotel Aryaas.
  • Check 10. After diversion in your left side Vellore New bus stand is the prominent Land mark
  • Check 11. Next to the bus stand the Chelliammman temple is the another prominent Land mark
After the temple you will cross the Palar River Bridge and travel about 8 km in the same direction, you will reach the Katpadi - Chitoor Bus Stand Circle (Perrarignar Annadurai statue is the land mark). Now you can take diversion to right about 2 km you will reach VIT University.

Silver Jubilee Conference on Communication Technologies and VLSI Design

Silver Jubilee Conference on Communication Technologies and VLSI Design

(International Level)
VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu.India

Pre-conference Tutorials: 6-7, October 2009
Conference : 8-10 October 2009

ABOUT CommV’09
VIT University is celebrating the Silver Jubilee year 2009. As a part of the celebration we are organizing an International level Conference on Communication Technologies and VLSI Design (CommV’09) which aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas and research results about all aspects of Communication, Signal and Image Processing, Optical Communication, Microwave Communication, Photonics, Solid State Devices, Nano Electronics, VLSI Design & Embedded Systems.

We would like to invite you all to participate in this mega event. Also pass this info to your students and your collegues.

Key Note Speakers
1. Dr. C P Ravikumar , Texas Instruments, India
2. Prof S.Deleonibus, CEA-LETI, NDL, France
3. Dr Kurt Stokbro, Quantum Wise, Denmark
4. Prof CK Maiti, IIT Kharagpur, India
5. Dr Tirumale K Ramesh, Boeing Corporate Fellow, USA
6. Prof Ramgopal Rao, IIT Bombay, India
7. Dr. Samar K. Saha, Silterra, USA
8. Prof S K Lahiri, IIT Kharagpur, India
9. Prof C K Sarkar, Jadavpur University, India
10. Prof V Prithviraj, Pondicherry Engineering College, India.
11. Prof J Rajapaul P, Anna University, India
12. Prof Susmita Surkoley, ISI Kolkata, India

Tutorial speakers
1. Dr. (Ms) Jharna Majumdar, Former Scientist G, DRDO, India
2. Dr. Amalendu Patnaik, IIT, Roorkee, India
3. Prof.. Wenjum Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
4. Dr Amlan Chalkraborty, Calcutta University, India
5. Prof S J Thiruvengadam, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.
6. Prof K S Ramanujan, Director, Tech. Encomp. Electronics, India
7. Prof(Dr.) Subhasis Majumdar – HIT, formerly at IIIT Kolakta
8. Dr Ansuman Banerjee, Interra Systems, Kolkatta

Please visit for details

The tutorial schedule and registration forms also availbale in this attachemt.

Note: Please pass this mail to your collegue and students.

Attributes of good research

Paul Graham gives a list of attributes characterizing start-ups. It strikes me that many of these attributes could describe research projects as well:

  1. Good research projects fail. If there is no risk of failure, you are doing unoriginal research. (Except that out of my biggest failures have come out some of my best papers…)
  2. Good research directions change frequently. Otherwise, how can you be following the truth where it must lead you? (Except that if you keep changing direction, you’ll never get anything done.)
  3. It takes little money. While some research projects are expensive, Einstein changed Physics forever without a research grant. (Except that if you are worrying about your next pay check, you can hardly worry about research.)
  4. Good research is threatening. If your research never upsets anyone, maybe you are not pushing hard enough? (Except that you should not be bold just for boldness sake.)
  5. Research is a solitary task. Ultimately, all research projects involve many hours working alone. (Except that research is fundamentally social!)

Get the latest on your DNA with $399 and a tube of saliva

What's your Ancestry Painting like? Get a read on your own particular genetic mix.
Discover the migrations on your mother and father's side.
Risk can be a mix of factors: We show you how individual markers can have combined impact on risk.
Learn where your genetic risk for 100+ traits and diseases is elevated, average, and decreased.
Our service starts with us mailing you a saliva collection kit.

GENETIC tests are becoming increasingly fashionable, and it's easy to see why: they allow people to find out all kinds of things about themselves, from their family's origin to the likelihood of developing certain diseases and passing on those risks to their children. But there's a flip side: discovering you are susceptible to an illness for which there is no effective cure or treatment can be devastating. There's also the possibility that your genetic data will find its way into the wrong hands and be used against you.

Your risk analyzed for 116 diseases and traits, including:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Type 2 Diabetes

Your ancestral path, based on your DNA, in amazing detail:

  • Ancestry Painting
  • Global Similarity
  • Maternal and Paternal Ancestry
50 Extraordinary and Attractive Billboards

Find out how the web sees you

Personas is a component of the Metropath(ologies) exhibit, currently on display until Sept 09 at the MIT Museum by the Sociable Media Group from the MIT Media Lab (Please contact us if you want to show it next!). It uses sophisticated natural language processing and the Internet to create a data portrait of one's aggregated online identity.
In short, Personas shows you how the Internet sees you.
Enter your name, and Personas scours the web for information and attempts to characterize the person - to fit them to a predetermined set of categories that an algorithmic process created from a massive corpus of data. The computational process is visualized with each stage of the analysis, finally resulting in the presentation of a seemingly authoritative personal profile.

In a world where fortunes are sought through data-mining vast information repositories, the computer is our indispensable but far from infallible assistant. Personas demonstrates the computer's uncanny insights and its inadvertent errors, such as the mischaracterizations caused by the inability to separate data from multiple owners of the same name. It is meant for the viewer to reflect on our current and future world, where digital histories are as important if not more important than oral histories, and computational methods of condensing our digital traces are opaque and socially ignorant.

How to Use the Journal/Author Name Estimator

One of the most useful tools over the internet for professionals keen on publishing papers on journals and conferences is the Journal/Author Name Estimator. There are mainly 3 ways you can use it.

1) For authors:

If you’re about to submit your manuscript but don’t know which journal would be the best target, it helps you. Just insert your abstract or keywords and find the most suitable journals.

2) For editors:

When you receive a manuscript and have no idea which reviewers you should send it to, JANE helps again as it can list authors who might be experts in the field the manuscript was written in.

3) For people seeking collaborators:

It can help you which authors could be considered potential collaborators for your project.


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click here ,I say..

can follow suit.

Govt set to scrap Class 10 board exams, fix grades

Class 10 students of schools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) won’t have to give board exams from the next academic year and will be graded for their performance through the year.

The Union Human Resources Development Ministry, after weeks of debate, has revealed a plan for reforming the school exam system. The Government will implement a grading system for Class 10 from the next session. No marks, only grades will be awarded to students.

Students will be graded for their performance through the year and not just on the basis of one exam. Grading will be mandatory but students can also opt for a board exam.

If unwell, students will also have the option of taking an exam later. Students will have to pass in at least four out of five subjects.

The grades will be A1, A2 and the lowest E, which will be regarded as failure. Students with E2-grade can appear in a compartment exam